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Pledge your support for 3BBR

Sign up here as a new or renewing Supporter or Member, or maybe you'd simply prefer to Make a Donation.

What level of support is right for you?

3BBR now has 'Supporters' and 'Members'.  Usually you start as a 3BBR Supporter, where you simply want to help us financially.  It's the first step toward becoming part of your local community radio station.

What happens if you’d like to get involved later?

Presenters and volunteers in key roles at 3BBR need to take the next step, and convert from 'Supporter' to 'Member' which requires Board approval.  Submit the Membership Application Form (PDF).  Once the Board approves it, the expiry date of your current annual support will not change, but your status will.

All categories include GST and are valid for one year (except Lifetime). If you renew early, we'll simply add a year to the current expiry date.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
If you've been a 3BBR Supporter or Member before... To reduce duplicates, please check that you entered the same email address you may have already given us.
Payment Options
[x] I will pay later by direct bank transfer or cheque — Details will be emailed to you.
Name and Address