Community Service Announcements

Australia Day 2023 - Drouin Civic Park

3BBR aims to serve its community by collating and broadcasting information free of charge, about meetings and events intended to promote good-will, participation and well-being within that community.

Community Service Announcements promote;

    • Events or meetings primarily held for community participation or benefit
    • Events where entry fees primarily cover the cost of holding the event which may include cost of performers or other services
    • Events to raise funds for not-for-profit groups or organisations whose primary purpose is community benefit
    • Community participation for mental and physical health including but not limited to sport, arts, and environmental improvement.

Groups being provided regular Community Service announcements shall be asked to join as Corporate Members of the station.

3BBR reserves the right to refuse requests for Community Service Announcements.  If your request doesn’t qualify, please support the station by taking out sponsorship to promote your business or activities.  Guidelines for Sponsorship announcements on Community Radio can be found on the CBAA website

Community Service Announcement Request

Please understand that we usually only pre-record announcements for long term use.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your group or organization
Keep it very brief. Prioritise the most important information you wish to convey.
Address in or near Baw Baw Shire
Days and times
Phone or Website (if simple to convey). Make it easy for our listeners to find out more.
We'd be most grateful if you can WRITE A SCRIPT based on the information above. Make sure you can read this aloud comfortably in 30 seconds.
Your Name (not for broadcast)
We may need to verify or clarify details with you. You will also get a copy of your request.