Genesis Baroque in concert

Genesis Baroque - Paris Quartets

Members of the renowned Melbourne-based Genesis Baroque presented a concert of four Paris Quartets  by the master of the German baroque Georg Philipp Telemann, at a recent Wesley of Warragul Concert. 

Warragul has had to wait 280 years to hear a live performance of four of these Quartets composed in the 1730’s. 

Telemann travelled to Paris in 1737 where he received high praise and honour, which inspired him to write a second volume of 6 quartets, so 12 quartets in all.  The Quartets are written for transverse flute, baroque violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord, and were immediately recognized as outstanding chamber music. 

3BBR-FM was there to record this sublime performance which was broadcast in the 3BBR FM Concert Hall from 2:00pm on Sunday 7th July 2024

Missed the broadcast? Listen back before 1st Sept 2024 via our radio-on-demand service

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